Wednesday, April 27, 2011

so I do no peruse books. Therefore

Steps from apes to persons (aboard)
Wei Menghua
watch a news on the Internet, said the two British zoo chimpanzees, for freedom, spent 3 years dug a tunnel to escape cage, maneuvering stage a apes around the world fighting for The center all a curious sensibility and sympathy. have been identified, chimpanzee and gorilla genes, only a few percentage of human distinctions. their demeanor and movements, but also with our more than a alike.
In truth, about 1000 million years ago, becomes dry up, the tropical rain forest began to fade, to be replaced at a massive district of ​​grassland. There are some Australopithecus persist to live in the jungle, breeding date, chimpanzees and gorillas today, is their descendants. Australopithecus into additional grassland, began to face new challenges. steppe open, hard cover, had to flee in horror, but fair could not bear to throw away the edible hand, they clutch with the forelimbs, hind legs sprinting. like running around, and eventually educated to wade upright, and began the premier tread to human evolution. After millions of annuals, humans wear clothes, live in the house, eating nice edible, seeing color TV, work out a automobile, peregrination at aircraft, peppery air conditioners, chilly with heating, sanctimonious, suit , but also in literature, and masterpiece, but also ballet, but also hip-hop, no merely for the moon, also the macrocosm in depth. At the same period, humans are still killing each other, decree of the jungle, power politics, gangster attacks, to build a tanks, firearms, rockets, atomic mine, Yu Zhi antagonists to death. and those who had been alive in the jungle gorillas and chimpanzees are, but warm and entire day long, not go, millions of years favor a daytime,the ships and sailor pollution, largely maintained the incipient body specifics and course of life. For this reason,toronto escort, they are killing human beings, driven, have very tiny left. When a prisoner, he was locked in a trap, have lost their freedom, lost power and chanced pets for human outlooking, venture run ambition be annihilated in mm s Few people immediately reading, reading chanced an elegant art. I was constantly writing a book, so I do not read books. Therefore, prose out and sell, but also nothing to complain about. However, the open open Johnson President of the 2007, the 21st centenary. I Yanjuan eyes closed, lost in meditation, I suddenly mused of the following questions: Looking behind on the road traveled male, for climbing stairs, the extra ascend tall, the more the faster the mount, namely a step a step came to be. Each a new class, productivity ambition be a huge development; every to a higher level of human civilization ambition come to a leap along. then rely on to establish up some stairs is it? is a catena of inventions and ingenious . For example: upright male and animals led to the split; the use of tools to improve the way to food and over the viability of normal enemies; tool fabrication for the development of productivity and brain evolution; study to use bombard to enhance the nutritional framework and way of life; using grinding tools, the invention of pottery, learn to grow harvests and domesticate animals, so that mankind has entered a pastoral civilization; the invention of the steam engine, straight outcome of the industrial revolution. This is the history of human civilization is the history of human invention. Therefore,toronto escort, the invention is the stepladder of human evolution and progress.

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