Wednesday, April 27, 2011

embark n. wood

a (an) art. I (a, chip hh)
ability n. ability; to
proficient a. to; have the ability
about ad. about; everywhere; around
prep. About ; everywhere; four
upon prep. in a. above, the above hh ad. in hh over
overseas ad. to (the) foreign
deficiency n.. is not, absent
absent a. absent, not
emphasis n. accent, tone
approve vt. accept the
accident n. episodes, accidents do
according to ad. in accordance with, according to
account n. accounts; Description
hurt vi. & n. afflict, pain
accomplish vt. to obtain
along prep. crossed via
deed n. laws, ordinances, v. (opera) performances, activity (character), extravaganza (opera); movement behavior action n. things take action
vigorous a. assured, proactive play n. activities
player n. actress actor actress n.
actual a. real; reality
AD n. AD ad (dwindled) = advertisementn. ad
Add vt. add, increase
addition n. addition; (arithmetic statements) plus address n. Address < br> adore v. affection; envious admirer affection
admission n. access, acceptance
agree vt. acknowledge, permit (admission, enrollment, member)
mature n. adults in manhood
advance v. advance, subserve; forward advancement
vantage n. avail; benefits
venture n. Adventure; adventure
proclaim vt. to advertise advertisement n. hh ad
counsel n. advice, advice, recommendations exhort vt. advice, advice, recommendations
aircraft n. (British) aircraft
affair n. things, things present affairs
affect vt. of
furnish vt. affordable (hh prices ); afford the (time); provide
scared a. alarm; fear be terrified of / to do sth.
Africa * n. Africa African Africa, Africans, African
n. after ad. in the post; subsequent prep. After the hh; in the back conj. in the later afternoon n. hh afternoon, afternoon
then ad. Then again ad. again; again, yet also opposition prep. in front, against < br> age n. age; age of one age peers
assault n. aggression
combative a. aggression; aggressive
ago ad. before
admit v. consent; promised
concert n. consent, accord; approval, the agreement
agricultural a. Agriculture
farming n. farming, agronomy
before ad. in front, forward onward of time
support n. alms; ambulance; aids first support first aid
aim n. purpose; goal v. blueprint, intend; target; for
wind n. air; airy
aircraft n. plane (with the distinctive and plural ) airline n. Airlines; aviation system
airmail n. airmail airplane n. (U.S.) aircraft
airport n. airports, airport agitate n. alert
living a. living, there's
always ad. All in all a. (Department); all; aggregate; full pron. all; all the staff
allow vt. to allow, allow; ration ration
nearly ad. nearly,ah35a34g3g China First Sword - Military blog Defense Watch - apt meditation approximately citizen s, almost
solo a. single, alone
onward ad. amenable; and hh together; with prep. along; by
aloud ad. aloud already ad. has too ad. likewise though conj. Although , although
altogether ad. total always ad. all; has; always
am v. be the 1 person in the manner
am / am, AM / AM n. forenoon, morn
astonish v . surprised, amazed; shocked n. amazement
ambulance n. ambulance
USA * n. the United States; American
American a. the United States; Americans n. American
surrounded prep. in h the middle; in the (3 or more) between
amuse vt. (folk) merry, amused fun n. distraction
antique a. ancient, old in ancient times
predecessor n. ancestors; ancestors and conj. and; and; and pique n. anger, anger, furious a. angry, angry
animal n. animal
broadcast vt. said, affirming announcement n. circuitous
pester vt . (to) trouble
variant a. once again; the additional; other; different pron. Another
reply n. answer, answer; reply; respond v. answer, reply; reply; (made) The answer
ant n. ant
Antarctic a. the Antarctic Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica Antarctica * n.
antique n. antique
perturbed a. anxiety, misgiving misgiving n.
any pron . (if) which; what any; (for answers, negations) some; what
anybody pron. Any person, regardless of who anybody pron. Any person, regardless of who
yet ad. Anyway anyway ad. Anyway
anything pron. What occurred (substance); anyone material (thing)
anywhere ad. any place
room n. (U.S.) in the apartment architecture, a room; room
beg vi. apology apology apologize to sb. for doing sth.
repentance n. remorse; apologies make an apology for sth.
emerge vi. there arrival n. arise, appearance; looks
apple n . Apple apple pie
apply v. application petition form petition application n. (book) aplicant candidate
rendezvous n. dating
obliged v. appreciation; thankful appreciation
April n. 4 月 April Fool Day
Arab * a. n. Arab Arabic Arab
Arabic a. Arabic
Arctic a. n. of the Arctic Arctic Arctic
the Arctic Ocean Arctic Ocean
zone n. district; regional, local, regional; range of fields
discuss vi. debate, debate contention n. dialectic, argue
appear (arose, arisen) vi. up, mushrooming; there
arithmetic n . Arithmetic
arm n. arm, skeleton, (U.S.) weapons, military equipment, v. to hh, armed with
be armed with in array to equip legion n. hh naval
armchair n. armchair
nigh ad. in the surrounding; in the vicinity of prep. Peripheral in hh; about
sort v. arrangement arrangement arrangement arrangement n., layout
arrival n. coming, arrival arrive (at / in) vi. arrived; to
arrow n. arrows; arrow
masterpiece n. Art, Fine Arts; masterpiece articles talent artists
article n.; things, objects; article
as ad. & conj. the same for hh; Although; for prep. as, as
ash n. ash; ash
humiliated a. embarrassed; embarrassed ashameful
Asia * n. Asia Asia eastern a., n. Asians Asians < br> aside ad. in the next
inquire v. asked, ask; requests, requirements; invited to ask sb. for sth.
resting a. slumber, deep slumber fall / sound dormant asleep
acolyte n. Assistant, Assistant
amaze vt. so surprised astonishment
astronaut n. astronauts astronomy astronomy n.
at prep. in (several minutes); in (somewhere)
gymnast n. athletes active a.
Atlantic a. Atlantic, the Atlantic Ocean Atlantic
air n. air; air
atom n. atom, molecule atomic a.
attack vt. attack, attack
venture vt. try, try
heed v. concern, attach to, serve; present, to partake in
attention n. attention, care disburse attention to
attentively ad. Note to
outlook n. attitudes, perceptions takehattitude towards < br> attract v. attract, causing acceptable a. fascinating, acceptable
audience n. spectators, listeners
lyricist n., author August n. 8 月 aunt n. aunt; aunt; aunt; Regardless; Aunt Australia * n. Australia; Australia
Australian a. Australia, Australians Australians
autumn n. n. autumn, autumn / fall (Am E)
street n. Boulevard
average a. average; normal n. average
lest (doing) v. avoid, run, escape
awake (awoke, awoken) v. wake-up prizes awake
ward n. reward
away ad. leave; from be far away
baby n. baby
back ad. back to the (area); back a. n. back after the rear; back behind ( s) ad. back
backache n. back background n. Background
bacon n. salt meat; smoked pork
bacterium (multiple bacteria) n. bacteria
wrong (comparable worse The most senior worst) a. wrong; noxious, negate; serious
badly ad. bad, badly badly off = penniless; in bad condition
badminton n. bags badminton
bag n. ; bag; bag, schoolbag bag handbag bag
baggage n. luggage / luggage
bake v. roast; bake (cake) bakery n. bakery
poise n. equilibrium imbalance
terrace n. terrace; gallery
ball n. ball. celebration balloon n. balloon
ballet n. Ballet
ballpoint = ballpoint pen n. pen
bamboo n. v. bamboo forbid ban ban n.; ban
banana n. banana
ribbon n. ribbon
bang int. bang bank n. (river, sea, lake) coast embankment; Bank
bank account n. bank list
barn. Article ; (rectangular) block, bar, crossbar; (the hotel) to buy the drinks counter; bar; (selling) for the counter
grill n. barbecue
hairdresser n. (for men haircuts) beautician barbershop barber mart by bargaining later
sale n.) of merchandise traded; bargain bargain
bark v. v. n. dog barking
basen. found, bottom; (baseball) base elementary basic
baseball n. baseball cellar n. basement
basin basin, basin basket n. basket
basketball basketball bat (baseball, cricket) bat; bat
bath n. bath; bathroom ; pail bathe vi. bath; swimming
bathrobe n. bathrobe lavatory n. bathroom, restroom
bathtub n. bathtub batteries battery n. fighting
combat n.; war battleground n. battlefield
bay n. Bay; Gulf
BC n.
be v. BC is (prototype), and am, is, are, was, were, being, been; become
beach n. waterfront, beach beam n. balance beam
bean n. beans, tofu, legumes beancurd n.
bear v. bear the burden of commitment; endure; tolerance n. bear polar bear
beard n. (chin) beard beast n. beast; cattle
knock (blow, beaten) v. beat; beat; winning n. (melody) the beat
beautiful a. beauteous, beautiful, beautiful beauty n. beautiful, beautiful
because conj. since become (became, become) v. become; become
mattress n. bed bedding bedclothes n. bedding (blankets, etc.)
bedroom n. bedroom, bedroom bee n.. bees beehive n. beehive
meat n. beef malt n. malt
before prep. in hh antecedent; in front of h ad. ahead conj. in the h before the solicit v. request, beg, beg mendicant beggars
begin ( began, begun) v. begin, start going
beginning n., starting at the opening
conduct v. the rules, conduct conduct n. behavior, courtesy
behind prep. (that position) behind the hh ad. in the back; back
Beijingn. Beijing
creature n. property; biology; human (person creature)
Belgium * n. Belgium
faith n. creed, faith believe v. deem, that
alarm n. peal, bell; bell (bell) sound; bell-shaped objects navel n. abdomen
belong vi. is a sub belong to
below prep. in hh below beneath prep. in the base hh (surface)
strap n. (peel) with a pew n. settle; chart
bend (bent, bent) vt. bend bent bent a.
alongside prep. in the next hh; close
besides prep. In addition to other hh (and) ad. well, in addition
best (good, well the most senior) a. & ad. the best; best, most n. best of (somebody hardly evermething) best peddler n. bestseller
better (good, well comparative) a. & ad. well, better; better; better; more, more n. good things; optimum by v. amended; than
between prep. in (both) among; in the navel of
go-between hh intermediary
further prep. (namely rank) in hh ashore the other side
bike / bike n. car racing tricycle tricycle own wheeling
huge a. big bigger, biggest
bill n. bill; bills and motions; (U.S.) memoranda, memoranda
billion num. billion, billion billionaire wealthy
biology n. Biology (Science) biologist Biology (Science) kin bird n. birdcage n. a bird cage Bird Flu
birth n. Birth; birth give birth to < br> birthday n. birth birthday birthplace n.; family
biscuit n. a mini morsel n. biscuits, some small quantity of
bite (bit, bitten) v. bite; painful a. a painful bite; painful, sad; raspy
dark n. black black blackboard n. a. blackboard
blame n. & v. blame; blame
empty n. & a. blank, blank (Office); empty; blank expressionless
carpet n. blankets, blankets
bleed vi. hemorrhage, bleeding bleeding
bless vt. bless, bless God bless you!
blind a. blind
block n. great; (wood, stone, etc.) block; block; roadblocks vt. occlusion; block
blood n. blood, blood
blouse n. wide blouse; (women, children dress a) jacket
thump n. aggression; fight beat (blew, blown) v. blow; air; inflatable
blue n. a. blue blue; sad; reduced
embark n. wood; bulletin board; Committee; (government) ministry on board
v. the (boat, train, plane)
boat n. A boat, boat boat race n.
the boat race Dragon Boat Festival
canoeing n. Boating (play), canoeing
body n. body bodybuilding body establishing n.
boil v. boiling; boil; cook hh
bomb n. v. bomb bomb
bone n. bone, bone (plural bones bones; bones)
paperback n. book; book v. Book, nailed (room, stamps, etc.)
bookcase n. bookcase bookmark bookmark n.
bookshelf n. bookshelf bookshop = bookstore bookstore
shoe n. boots; boots booth n. Kong; (designed for a decisive purpose) booths or cubicles
tel booth tel booth
frame n. edge; boundary, borders
boring a. dim, boring,
connate a. connate be born in / from
borrow v. (to others) borrowed; by borrowhfrom
boss n . foreman; foreman bossy a. arbitrary, bossy
botany n. factory; botanical botanical garden botanical garden
both a. two; two-pron. either; two bottles bothhand h
bottle n.
bottom n. bottom; bottom from the bottom of oners center
jump a. chained; tied in; obligatory v. & n. bound
bow v. & n. bow , bending bow bowl box n.
bowl n. a box, boxes boxing boxing n. (Sports)
boy n. boy boyish
head n. brain (sub) stop n. gate vi. brake < br> branch n. branch; branch; branch, branch; branch
gallant a. brave courage n. prowess
bread n. bread, a piece of bread
break n. clearance take / have a break
damage (broke, bro ken) v. wreck (broken, broken); broke, torn
breakfast n. breakfast
breath n. inhalation; breathe exhale vi. respiratory
brick n . slabs; bricks
bride n. bride and bridegroom n. groom
bridge n. bridge brief a. uncomplicated (apt be brief)
shine a. shine; smart sunlight
send ( brought, brought) vt. bring, bring, fetch
Britain * n. British; British the British n. BN; Britons
British a. England; Great Britain; English
wide a. broad, broad broaden oners horizons / landscapes
announce n. radio broadcaster
broadcast (broadcast, broadcast, or ed, ed) vt. Radio
broken a. marred heartbroken
broom n. broom
sibling n. sibling; brother brotherhood n. fraternal narratives brotherly
brown n. brown, brown a. brown, brown
brunch n. brunch (late breakfast)
brush v. Brush; wiping brush bucket n. n. bucket; barrel Buddhism n. Buddhism Buddhist n. Buddhists
build (built, built) v. Construction; made building n. building; housing; building
cake n. bread; small sweet bread
bury vt. buried; burial burial n. buried
burn (ed, ed, or burnt, burnt) v. scald, burn, bombard; to burn coke; to tan n. burns; sunburn
explode v. suddenly; sudden onset
burst into tears / laughter
bus n. bus bus stop bus stop n.
bush n . bush, bush
business n. (sub) job, profession; duties; business transactions; cause
business and administration of Business Administration MBA Business Administration (educate) Master
merchant n. Merchant ( M); man entrepreneurs
businesswoman n. Merchant (woman); women entrepreneurs
busy a. busy (busy) and be busy with / doing sth.
but conj. But, but prep. In addition to , in addition to hh outside butcher n. vt. butcher; butcher slaughtering (animals); kill (people)
butter n. butter,toronto escorts, cream
butterfly n. butterfly the butterfly butterfly
button n. clasp; ( bells, etc.) button v. Button (button)
buy (bought, bought) vt. buy buy sth. for sb.
at prep. approach the side in the hh; time in hh; no later than; be ; use; by the; by (car) by land / sea / water / air / bus / plane /
goodbye = goodbye integer. bye cab n. (U.S.) cab
cabbage n. cabbage, cabbage
coffeehouse n. cafes; restaurant cafeteria n. snack
cage n trap; cage bun n. cakes, pastries; cake phone n. calling, called; phone, call v. call; call; hurrahed, called silence a. silence; silence v. sedation; calm
camel n. camel
camera n. cameras; camera
camp n. (summer) camp vi. camping; camping
the summer / winter camp
can1 (could) can't = can not modal v. feasible; can; can not
a waste can a can opener n. canned; jar (U.S.) litter can key
Canada * Canada Canadian a. Canada; Canadians Canadians
canal n. n. canal; waterways delete vt. annul
sarcoma n. cancer candle sugarplum n. candle n. bonbon
canteen n. restaurants; canteen
crown n. (not eaves alternatively just in front of a canopy) hat; (flask) cover; (pens, etc.) pen loops
capital n. capital, the provincial capital; capital; capital
captain n. (Navy) Captain; captain, captain; captain
car n. cars, Xiao Woche chariot n. carriage; (train) passenger car carbon card
carbon n.
blanket rug n. card n. pills; card; solitaire card games card games
care n. care, protection; care v. idea hh, care; care
thoughtful a. detailed, thoughtful, careful be careful of / about
reckless a. careless, casual
conveyor. n. bearer; media; (bicycle, etc.) racks; (car) shelf
carrot n carrot anime n. vigor, cartoon; Comics
carry vt. take, migrate, with,toronto escorts, advert, elevate, back, prop, transport and other
sculpture vt. carved; carving
circumstance n. location; cases; cases; the truth; carton; boxes; vessel ...

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