Sunday, April 24, 2011

in China

April 22, 2008, is the first of 39 to persuade President Kennedy to behave a wildlife tumble to rouse public care to environmental conservation, the President quite many agree with the constructive remarks .1963 In the fall, Nelson and the other 3 senators, the President participated in this averaging of Earth Day activities in memorial of the national intend and in the same annual it was announced early in September, including major university in the nation organized lectures and other environmental issues. Dennis Harvard Law School students. Hayes listened this proposal , the mind of ​​organizing a green speech, he went to Washington to encounter with the Nelson. Young Hayes speak approximately their vision, Nelson was overjoyed and now offered rendezvous Hayes, and even encouraged him to temporarily stop their studies, condense in the environmental campaign. So, Hayes determined because the suspension procedures. Soon, he put the fancy of ​​expanding Nielsen, flee from across the United States fired a large-scale community-based activities. Hayes 4, 1970 chose 22 (Wednesday) the first leak, while the American elegance car entire daytime breathing the guide fumes. plant with cigarette with impunity and sewage expel, yet not anxious about creature prosecuted or condemned by public attitude. they are equitable out of words in the glossary, yet few can be taken seriously. It is in this context, the first Congress to clarify the magnitude of conference people gathered in Washington, DC .25, 10 million people to march on Fifth Avenue in New York City, about 2,000 people across the United States participated in the demonstrations and lectures *** .1 ten thousand primary and secondary schools, 2000 academies and universities and 2,000 community and major teams in the charts, chanted slogans urging the Government to take fathom to protect the environment.
1970 with the first The rise of movement and hinted the U.S. government has taken some measures to control environmental pollution.
1970 年 4 22 May, the modern environmental movement as the beginning of the person, it promotes the establishment of environmental regulations in Western countries. If the United States has issued a Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Protection Act and other regulations; Earth Day in 1970 also contributed to the National Environmental Bureau was established, and to some extent, the United Nations in 1972 led to the first Conference on Human Environment held in Stockholm, a mighty impetus to the development of the globe In 1973 the Environmental Protection establishment of United Nations Environment Programme, an multinational environmental union mm green the creation of peace organizations, and administration agencies protecting the environment and organizations world-wide continues to increase, .
in 1970 the first br> 1990 年 4 22, comprised in organizing seminars, ***, cultural representations and additional activities apt enhance a wash environment, many, many countries, the Sunday (April 22, 1990) as activities at the climax of the week.
1990 年 4 22 this day, hundreds of millions of people nigh the world wearing a blue-green and pearly clothes to attend the Day Every justify the inhabitants of Earth are all the Earth's environment, contribute to improving the global environment. wearing a blue and green and pearly dress is said to doing to defend the decision of the global environment.
About 1 million folk in the car at family do not prevent the exhaust from vehicle emissions and other harmful emissions into the atmosphere to go.
in China, Premier Li Peng was in April 21, 1990 on TV address environmental issues promulgated, CCTV also broadcast the China's invitation to China to participate in the extinction, ozone depletion, sea water rise, a important place of ​​southern ice tempests, namely one sample.
we merely have 1 world, let us be variety to the world, from the side of the little entities. to dilute emissions of greenhouse gases, retention stamina, simple live it.

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