Thursday, May 5, 2011

and the lessons it. Despite the massive hand of my brain apt melodrama in it

Very small Baipang Bu marquis. Noon, I found it out neat, try a few times to lower his pate down, belly and thighs to organize cilia, merely keep aboard repeated testing, and too portly, it can no curve their own free the. take a see by its gait, left a vibrate, right Yi Bai, the antique one inside his tolerate is no a small ball, roll left, roll right roll back and ahead. It is the male, but it's belly gives the impression namely a pregnant feline, for whether the belly side of the white hair below that a few beneath the breast not much more than a grain of rice, but also big-like.
for it is gentle, so me and my son is very pet will surely eat more, plus its own individually from sleeping alternatively lying down, it is the size of some physically.
afternoon it out, it might be the lavatory. night it did not come back, I think less of what my center . grabbed a handful of cat food to the cellar to find it. basement temperature than the temperature of our house is many higher, because there are very thick Warm pipes, so when the cats are nightfall out, with regard to basement for the channel, where they lounge, obligation, out of the aisle.
when I went to the first floor, it is going up bleary-eyed. walked up a very leisurely pace. black girl listening to I got the basement, they can go. It is the Ombudsman, to see I was not to eat of the white. Therefore, it is down, white up, they retarded each other's breath. white black girl fear Partial meal eaten at home, worried about the black girl when I went to the basement of what to fared the white mm has been the institution of the incipient in the cottage, I feed white, black girl on the Structure of Seven and pawing at the window watching the ground after the claws , front paws on the window, looking wretched inside. Since I found this deed to the same 3 cats to feed. Today, they come after the results of each inspection there is no black girl masquerading to hike a few treads amenable to turn out, as if to guide me like white, early to come up.
White came back, is eating a chicken bosom and Structure of Seven. white eat a cat food to lie down. prevaricate down when the pork is very thick, high pile.
almost midnight, I found that the caress comb. I consider it's frustration at midday, I'll assist it bristles. it is gentle lie there. neck, the face on either sides, stomach, the legs and back. brush over and over. It seems to be very cozy lying there, it seems to be very cooperative in giving me for the situation.
I usually a function found in white, while it is time to ring true meaning,beijing escort, it will detect something to reach out to fiercely grabbing claws. In the elapse, it wanted to dine, will jaws and carries it toward the hand of his son to fight. of course, is to activity easily. Later, when you absence to eat, I grabbed my foot. So, white at home, I nap quite dangerous. you never understand when it will catch me, I do not understand . That morning it caught me, I hit it up and symbolically, it found a broom, caught a pulpy to vent.
today later it for a couple of areas to bound up and work. When It is out of the bedroom gate when it discovered the Structure of Seven. Thus, it suddenness of a thunderbolt, it was the same as Mount Tai and Structure of Seven heaviness of oppression to the body. it hit and Structure of Seven of the ridge efficacy, through the Structure of Seven shown along the screams. As the screams and Structure of Seven, and Structure of Seven pelt flying in the ventilation a few briefed after landing one later variant.
he heard screams, it is a thick white according to palm off and Structure of Seven after the fight, horrified drilling on the table below. son browse the news out hasty to see, and queried how. I witnessed the process of White's play a sordid deceive, even found it in the role of the additional side. I looked at The shock-like comfort and Structure of Seven and Structure of Seven would like to look, but not the Structure of Seven Cry, let me touch the floor dodging, side edges Wang Menkou hide retreat, not in the Structure of Seven, and it go. I ran to the door, stroked it a morsel. Then, rush over, facing the son of arms have been to the white,patients with uremia patients, and the lessons it. Despite the heavy hand of my head to play in it,shanghai massage, but it is not afraid of me. usually I do not have play its history, so I hit it, like it when it is played with, but then a few palm down, after it discovered hints to the ecology of the attack issued whir.
my prerogative is Structure of Seven Poor recede. I went to the corridor, the stairs and Structure of Seven had brushed opposition and saw me, you will go on. I have food in hand to make a gesture on the Structure of Seven had the fancy to eat. but it There on the door to a home that a staircase, no longer had refused to deviate. it go, it is not coming back. I rushed him to grab the cat food, cat toy in my hands sorrowful solicitude eating. dark girl is forever a excellent shrewdness, it found the atmosphere of battle time to the fifth level on the fourth floor, overlooking the situation.
eye wink, scared to send calamity to their own war .
I look back, the white is in his arms for interrogation. He said: also you gotten the song? is your premier bite, so why are you sibling? white naturally remember the fact that it is beaten , can not remember the fact that it bites, so the inflame of a breath, very like the people weep.
I came back from his arms to take over white, white ascended on my shoulders, Tarzan diminished, massive. But unlike the past is a breath,shanghai escort, very strong. I put it in its usual sleeping in that position. It is not normal anger breathing, very quick. I side of training which, meantime touch it. says: do not miserly, and white, today is your right, how can you callous attack and Structure of Seven. vent and Structure of Seven is not your brother's broom.
moment that I realized, in fact, war that I occasioned. Structure of Seven is received on my behalf. white basically do not want me to brush it, it is called the interchange position is to shirk, the last to leave a place to sleep lying, and it go out when it hit Structure of Seven, and Structure of Seven unprepared to become the object of its vent their emotions, penniless emotional and Structure of Seven is a small white breach tonight, that one, could have been white bite into my body.
white then angrily by shortness of respiration, and slowly stable into regular breathing, and eventually a long Yi Tan. Qiannianyitan favor long Yi Tan.
always lie when it would soon playing long and is intended to noisy snoring, but immediately it does not, it is lying closed eye,beijing escort, its mood is not customary, it had to persevere human to fight remember the truth that do not know the reason for hammering is not known.
late, Originally, it was time to go. but I defiance not let it go, I'm afraid the poor suffer and Structure of Seven in the basement, playing white and Structure of Seven constantly take the initiative, perhaps after a fight back against the people, in the back, certainly not less bullied by white, as certified by the fact that today.
after, the kin was filled with the smell of war, people looked solemn, a surge of explosive to one hundred and ten square meters of turf permeated. white sleep mattress, very safe, it is simply not as good It’s about time quiet sleep. It was still very affective.
I think of 2 things: First, the cat's feelings and human sentiments, rotated out to be exactly the same. the human treatment of animals, always the animals as a stone and thatch. but that is the ferocity of the human beast performance. So, I consists of a meat person, to become not predatory in human. because I can not look at slaying animals.
second is the result of modest may be inhibited. it was equitable in front of it in a lusty a state, perhaps ahead it is feeble, it will be another state, and the extent of this state and its role by the mighty as a powerful compel.

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